Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Well today I am time poor.. so what to cook tonight. It needs to be simple and easy!

I have some chicken nibbles, and they are a favourite with my crew. They really are a versatile wee bite aren't they? You can simply add a little salt and pepper and cook them up and they are tasty just like that! 

My new fav is to brush them with Portugese Marinade. Now this is where the time saving bit comes in - I buy it ready made. I love to cook, and most of the time I will make my own but if you can find a really good, affordable alternative then why not use it? I use the Select brand one from Countdown, and its YUM. Its not too hot or spicy, so kids love it too, but its got enough flavour that leaves you wanting more. I simply brush the marinade on the chicken, place in a 180oC oven till cooked turning a couple of times so they don't stick (I don't do times.. I watch till they are browned and yummy looking but probably 30 - 40 mins approx).

I'm going to serve it with pasta, carrots, peas and corn - nice and simple, but OH SO TASTY.

When you are busy and pushed for time ready made options are a great way to put a quick tasty meal together, so don't hesitate to use them, we can't all be galloping gourmets everyday! I do like to make sure my plates look pretty, so I will do different colours of veges, I always do a potato dish of some sort, or an alternative like pasta, couscous, rice etc. A plate that's colourful is more appealing to the people you're feeding, and therefore they are way more likely to eat it!

For those that have the time and the inclination here is a marinade for Portugese Chicken:

  • 80ml (1/3 cup) fresh lemon juice
  • 60ml (1/4 cup) olive oil
  • 2 tbs sweet paprika
  • 2 tbs dried oregano
  • 2 tbs brown sugar
  • 4 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 1 long fresh red chilli, deseeded, finely chopped
  • 1 tsp salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper

Combine all ingredients and pour over the chicken, leave to marinate for as long as you can (several hours if possible) to develop the flavours. Cook in a 180oC oven (probably 40 - 45 mins - till browned and juices run clear)

Happy Cooking,



  1. MMMMMMM. I need to get off my arse and get cooking tonight. Yum.

  2. Sweet, I can do a ready made marinade. Always good to hear what good ones are out there! Just to get my fussys to like it. Very plain eaters here. Keep up the good work Kerry
